Fraction XLVII
List of applications to companies
The Municipal Institute of Planning of Banderas Bay, Nayarit. (Bahia de Banderas) does not generate or hold the information relative to the list of applications to telecommunications, concessionaires and service providers or internet applications for the intervention of private communications, access to the communications registry and the geographic location equipment, in terms of articles 291 - 294 - 300 and 303 of the National Code of Criminal Procedures and articles 297 of the Registry of Communications. In addition to the fact that they do not have powers of attorney, delivery or adminsitration of justice and are not related to matters of national security. First Trimester Formato XLVIIa. Solicitudes de Intervención de Comunicaciones Formato XLVIIb. Solicitudes de Registro de Comunicaciones y de Registro de Localización Geográfica Formato XLVIIc. Mensaje -
The Municipal Institute of Planning of Banderas Bay, Nayarit. (Bahia de Banderas) does not generate or hold the information relative to the list of applications to telecommunications, concessionaires and service providers or internet applications for the intervention of private communications, access to the communications registry and the geographic location equipment, in terms of articles 291 - 294 - 300 and 303 of the National Code of Criminal Procedures and articles 297 of the Registry of Communications. In addition to the fact that they do not have powers of attorney, delivery or adminsitration of justice and are not related to matters of national security. Fourth Trimester Formato XLVIIa. Solicitudes de Intervención de Comunicaciones Formato XLVIIb. Solicitudes de Registro de Comunicaciones y de Registro de Localización Geográfica Formato XLVIIc. Mensaje Third Trimester Formato XLVIIa. Solicitudes de Intervención de Comunicaciones Formato XLVIIb. Solicitudes de Registro de Comunicaciones y de Registro de Localización Geográfica Formato XLVIIc. Mensaje First Trimester Formato XLVIIa. Solicitudes de Intervención de Comunicaciones Formato XLVIIb. Solicitudes de Registro de Comunicaciones y de Registro de Localización Geográfica Formato XLVIIc. Mensaje -
The Municipal Institute of Planning of Banderas Bay, Nayarit. (Bahia de Banderas) does not generate or hold the information relative to the list of applications to telecommunications, concessionaires and service providers or internet applications for the intervention of private communications, access to the communications registry and the geographic location equipment, in terms of articles 291 - 294 - 300 and 303 of the National Code of Criminal Procedures and articles 297 of the Registry of Communications. In addition to the fact that they do not have powers of attorney, delivery or adminsitration of justice and are not related to matters of national security. Second Trimester Formato XLVIIa. Solicitudes de Intervención de Comunicaciones Formato XLVIIb. Solicitudes de Registro de Comunicaciones y de Registro de Localización Geográfica Formato XLVIIc. Mensaje First Trimester Formato XLVIIa. Solicitudes de Intervención de Comunicaciones Formato XLVIIb. Solicitudes de Registro de Comunicaciones y de Registro de Localización Geográfica Formato XLVIIc. Mensaje
Last Update.: Viernes, 29 de Marzo de 2024
Update Period.: Quarterly
Conservation Time: Information on the exercise in the course and the one correspinding to the past two exercises..